Draft for the Improvement Plans of West End’s Davies Park Open for Community Feedback

Brisbane City Council has developed a draft improvement plan for Davies Park, West End as part of its commitment to keeping Brisbane clean and green, and making the city livable and sustainable for future generations. The plan is set to provide a blueprint for future upgrades for the park.

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council

Davies Park is a valued green space in West End that provides sport and recreation opportunities for the community. Feedback received in the community consultation in late 2017 has helped in the development of the key features of the improvement plan. The park’s improvement plan will focus on the following:

  • increasing and enhancing accessible green space
  • promoting a sense of community and celebrating its cultural heritage
  • increasing recreational use of the park.
  • maintaining the park’s natural appeal
  • improving connection through the park.

The Council worked with the Southern Suburbs Rugby League Football Club who have had a presence in the park for more than 100 years. The club has agreed to reduce their leased area to improve outcomes for the community. The additional area will increase green space and provide room for new park features that can be enjoyed by the club and the wider community.

The project’s allocation of $2.1 million this financial year will be used to help in the delivery of key elements of the plan, with a progressive delivery of other elements in future years based on citywide priorities for park improvements.

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council

The proposed key features for the current draft improvement plan includes:

  • New green spaces and connections
  • Upgraded park roadway
  • Creative play area
  • Multi-use hard courts
  • Relocation of the community garden
  • Drainage upgrades
  • Additional features such as seats, picnic tables and drinking fountains

The draft improvement plan for Davies Park, West End is still open for community feedback. Online submission of feedbacks for the draft improvement plan for the park will be open until Friday, 24 August 2018. This round of consultation will help in finalising the plan.

Improvement works are anticipated to commence in 2019.

To learn more about the Council’s Davies Park improvement project in West End, visit the project’s official page. You may also call the Council on 07 3403 8888 or send an email to parks@brisbane.qld.gov.au.