Revised Design Concept for Proposed West End Residential Towers Lodged

Revised Design Concept for Proposed Two-Tower Residential Development on Montague Road Lodged

A new plaza and amphitheatre with an active retail frontage have been added to the design of the proposed West End residential towers on Montague Road.  

Henroth Investments Pty Ltd’s proposed development will sit on a block of land located at  281-297 Montague Road. The amended design will also connect Montague Road to the centre of Davies Park, Souths Leagues Club and beyond to the Brisbane River.

The new application refers to the revised design concept of a previously approved proposal for 434 apartments across five buildings of up to 12 storeys in height plus 88sqm of retail space and 602 car parking spaces in four basements.

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ground floor ampitheatre
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

According to the submitted document, the revised design incorporates a “rethink” of the originally proposed plans, particularly the open space and ground opportunities that the development could bring to the community.

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proposed West End residential towers on Montague Road
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

Under the revised plan, there will be two new 5-star Green Star-rated residential towers with the building height from 26 (northern towers) and 25 storeys (southern towers) to 18 (north tower) and 16 (south tower) residential levels above the activated ground plane. There will be basement parking, rooftop plant and recreation space to be situated above the towers.

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roof terraces on West End residential towers
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /
rooftop terrace on south tower
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

The twin towers will contain a total of 349 apartment units or a reduction of 85 apartments whilst the number of car parking spaces will be reduced by 120 to 482 across two basements. Both towers will be provided with communal green space, edible landscape, beehives, swimming pools, BBQ, a gym, a dining area and a wine cellar.

West End residential towers
proposed West End residential towers on Montague Road
Photo Credit: Brisbane City Council /

Moreover, the buildings’ facade will feature a unique curved landscaped exoskeletal sunshade around them whilst the orientation maximizes the park, river and city views.

The proposed development at a glance:

  • Site Area = 10,626sqm
  • Deep Planting = 1,094sqm
  • Site Cover = 3,902sqm
  • Car Parking = 482
  • Apartment  Units = 349 (183 – North Tower, 166 – South Tower)