Queensland Ballet Launches Program For People With Brain Injury


Did you know that ballet can have therapeutic effects to help improve the quality of life of people with brain injury? This is the highlight of Queensland Ballet’s new program, Ballet for Brain Injury. 

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Currently being held at Queensland Ballet Studios in West End every Saturday morning, Ballet for Brain Injury is a 10-week program tailored for people living with a brain injury to help re-inhabit their bodies and cope with emotional, cognitive and physical impairments brought by the injury. 

The program uses ballet-based movement, music and artistry to enable participants to experience the enjoyment, creative expression and wellbeing benefits dance can bring. As with the format of a standard ballet class, participants will start at the barre with smaller movements before learning sequences, choreography and partnering work.

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Program Details

Photo credit: Queensland Ballet

Classes are held weekly on a Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. It costs $25, inclusive of bringing a support worker or family member, and informal morning tea following the class.

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The carer/support worker/family member is required to also participate in the class alongside the participant. This creates an equal space where everyone in the class is learning and engaging at their own level to form a sense of community for all involved.

Why Get Involved? 

“We know exercise is healthy for our brains, and for people with brain injuries the opportunity to engage in physical activity is limited, but it could really improve their rehabilitation outcomes,”  said Griffith University program director and research co-lead Professor Elizabeth Kendall.

Participants are encouraged to complete a Participant Information Form before attending the first class so Queensland Ballet will be able to provide them with the most enjoyable and safe dance experience, and also understand their goals and motivations in attending the class.

This program is delivered by Queensland Ballet in partnership with Hopkins Centre, Griffith University, Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre and Citrine Sun Entertainment.