Did you know that Brisbane City Council is pushing for law amendments that would eliminate the need to issue and leave multiple parking fines on car windows?
Currently, State laws allow Councils to physically issue multiple parking fines to vehicles that stay beyond the timed limit. That means infringement notices can be issued each and every time a violation is committed but these should be physically placed on the erring vehicle.
BCC wants to change this, saying that the practice of issuing paper tickets has become unnecessary . Instead, they are suggesting that parking fines be issued in the mail, similar to how it is done with mobile speed camera fines. State Government law does allow Councils to use the mail service but only when issuing a single fine to a vehicle. They are not allowed to do it with multiple fines.
The issue was raised at the Local Government Association of Queensland’s (LGAQ) annual conference. The council called on the state government to look into changing the law so that the council will no longer need to physically issue a fine and place it on the vehicle for every instance of overstaying a time parking limit.
The council’s objective is to encourage the rapid turnover of parking spaces, supporting local businesses whilst discouraging parking in clearways, which can disrupt the flow of traffic for numerous other motorists.
Brisbane City Council is well-equipped to implement such a change. It already operates mobile enforcement vehicles equipped with a number plate recognition system, a technology that streamlines the enforcement of parking violations.
Although the council has taken a stance on the matter, the response from the state government is yet to be determined. A spokesperson for the state’s Department of Transport and Main Roads explained that the existing laws aim to provide drivers with a reasonable opportunity to move their vehicles after receiving a fine before incurring further fines. However, if a council only intends to issue one fine, the spokesman said that it can be accomplished via mail.
Published 25-October-2023